What We Offer

Advanced Biometrics offers multiple professional biometric consultancy services, either onsite or remote

Project Needs Analysis

Including recommended biometrics, associated hardware, and environmental setup

Countering Deepfakes

Deepfakes are an increasing threat. In most cases countering them requires a multi-biometric approach, while the selection of the most appropriate technology depends on the use case. Face and voice recognition will often play a central role, with others being included where appropriate. We can advise on the most appropriate combination of technologies for a range of challenges. A key issue is that deepfake algorithms are themselves continually being improved - today’s best-of breed may not be tomorrow’s, necessitating ongoing changes in the selected components. It’s a different world, but we can help in countering the risks posed by this very threatening technology.


Seminars, presentations, and demonstrations on biometrics , the applications for which each is suited, and the strengths and weaknesses of each for any particular project

Evaluation Guidance

Definition of pilot/evaluation systems

RFP Guidance

Preparation and evaluation of RFP’s

Project Planning

Planning of biometric-oriented projects

Vendor Selection

Vendor evaluation and assessment

Free Initial Consultation

Let's schedule a 30 minute call to assess the best solution for your needs